總和生育率(英語:total fertility rate,簡稱TFR),通常簡稱生育率,反映婦女一生中生育子女的總數。由於嬰兒夭折及疾病等原因,一般來講在發達國家總和生育率至少 ...
#2. Total Fertility Rate - 總生育率 - 國家教育研究院雙語詞彙
總生育率 · Total Fertility Rate · 名詞解釋: 總生育率就是生育年齡期間,每一年齡別生育率的總和,或是生育年齡期間的年齡別生育率之總和,乘以年齡組距的年數,可以下列來 ...
#3. 總生育率(Total Fertility Rate) - 國家發展委員會
總生育率係指平均每位婦女一生中所生育之子女數,國際間評量及相互比較之生育率即是以總生育率為標準。臺灣自1984年起平均每位婦女生育數少於2.1人,已低於維持穩定 ...
#4. 第二章、少子女化
2.精比率(refined rate):每單位受研究人口中某一事件的次數。 二、生育水準的衡量方法. (一)粗出生率(crude birth rate, CBR). 1 ...
#5. total fertility rate - Linguee | 中英词典(更多其他语言)
大量翻译例句关于"total fertility rate" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
#6. 总和生育率_百度百科
总和生育率(英文中称:total fertility rate,简称TFR),也称总生育率,是指该国家或地区的妇女在育龄期间,每个妇女平均的生育子女数。这种生育率计算方式, ...
#7. total fertility rate-翻译为中文-例句英语
... total fertility rate, life expectancy at birth, adult literacy rate and gross national income per capita.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"total fertility rate"
出生替代率(fertility replacement rate),又稱為人口替代水準(replacement level), ... (GFR)、年齡別生育率(ASFR)以及總生育率(TFR)說明育齡婦女的生育特性。
#9. 一般生育率(general fertility rate) - 教育百科
根據內政部戶政司統計,此兩年齡層的婦女因生理條件上各有不足之處,易於懷孕至生產的過程中發生相關合併症,故其變化值得多加注意。 關鍵字. 中文關鍵字: 一般生育率、總 ...
#10. 台灣地區總生育率的分析: 完成生育率與生育步調之變化
人口研究常以粗出生率與總生育率來反映某地的生育水準,但是粗出生率常. 受到人口年齡組成影響,無法得知真實變化。總生育率(TFR,total fertility rate)模擬婦女在育齡 ...
#11. FERTILITY在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯
fertility 的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. ... declining fertility rates. 更多範例 ... The total fertility rate is then obtained.
#12. 總生育率英文- 環境科學大辭典- 雙語詞彙 - 三度漢語網
中文詞彙 英文翻譯 出處/學術領域 總生育率 Total Fertility Rate 【環境科學大辭典】 總生育率 Total Fertility Rate 【社會工作與福利名詞】 育齡婦女總生育率;總生育率 TFR 【新聞傳播學名詞】
#13. 台灣婦女生育率變動趨勢探討
繁體中文DOI: 10.6338/JDA.201210_7(5).0006 DOI ... The TFR (Total fertility rate) of Taiwan is the lowest in the world in 2010. In this study, we discuss ...
#14. 韓國人口首次出現負增長給全球人口帶來的警示- BBC News 中文
也就是說,每位女性一生平均要生2.1個孩子以上才可以,即總和生育率(英文total fertility rate, 簡稱TFR)達到2.1或以上(考慮到嬰兒夭折及疾病等 ...
#15. Dept. of Household Registration. Ministry of the Interior ...
Crude Birth Rate, and General Fertility, Age-specific Fertility and Total Fertility Rates Per Thousand Childbearing Age Women for Counties and Cities.
#16. 總和生育率 - 中文百科知識
總和生育率(英文中稱:total fertility rate,簡稱TFR),也稱總生育率,是指該國家或地區的婦女在育齡期間,每個婦女平均的生育子女數。這種生育率計算方式, ...
#17. fertility-rate 中文意思是什麼 - TerryL
Total fertility rate refers to the average number of children that would be born alive to 1 000 women during their lifetime if they were to pass through ...
#18. total fertility rate – 中文翻译– Multitran 词典
人口统计学 · 综合人口出生率; 总生育率 · 沙漠科学 · 总生育率 (TFR). 英语词库. Total Fertility Rate · 生理, 缩写 · TFR. total fertility rate: 2 短语, 1 学科 ...
#19. Outline - National Statistics, Republic of China (Taiwan)
The total fertility rate refers to the birth rate derived from the total number of births likely to come out from the current generation of childbearing age ...
#20. 台灣超低生育率的迷思與現實
一般媒體在討論低生育率時,經常使用的人口指標是「時期總生育率」(Period Total Fertility Rate, PTFR),且認為其代表婦女一生所生育子女數。
#21. 轉寄 - 博碩士論文行動網
論文摘要中文摘要台灣生育率從1951年以來就逐年下降,並在1983年時降低到替代水準,之後 ... afterwards still continues to drop, 2003 the total fertility rate was ...
#22. Fertility rate, total (births per woman) | Data
Fertility rate, total (births per woman) from The World Bank: Data. ... Population and Vital Statistics Reprot ( various years ), ( 5 ) U.S. Census Bureau: ...
#23. 印度尼西亚Total Fertility Rate: Indonesia - 人口数据统计 - CEIC
印度尼西亚人口数据统计总生育率:印度尼西亚. 1971 - 2012 | 每年| % | Central Bureau of Statistics. 印度尼西亚Total Fertility Rate: Indonesia在2012达2.600 %,相较 ...
#24. 1981年至2019年香港生育趨勢Fertility Trend in Hong Kong ...
During the whole period, the total fertility rate of Hong Kong has been consistently below the replacement level of 2 100. This article gives a brief account of ...
#25. fertility rate中文- 英漢詞典 - 漢語網
fertility rate中文 的意思、翻譯及用法:[統計] 生育率;人口出生率。 ... the total fertility rate of south korean women (ie, the average number of births they ...
#26. 翻译'total fertility rate' – 字典中文-英文
检查“ total fertility rate”到中文的翻译。浏览句子中total fertility rate的翻译示例,听发音并学习语法。
#27. WITH TOTAL FERTILITY 中文是什么意思- 中文翻译
According to these data, the number of countries with total fertility below replacement level increased more than fourfold from 1970 to 2000. 从这些数据 ...
#28. Total fertility rate in low-fertility countries, 1965 - United ...
标题Total fertility rate in low-fertility countries, 1965 [cartographic material]. 获取English: 3681 - PDF ;. 索书号. Map A000/11/1992. 作者UN.
#29. 香港統計月刊
Analysis of the Change in the Total Fertility Rate. 1. 引言. 1. Introduction. 1.1. 總和生育率是量度一個經濟地區生育. 情況的最常用指標。
#30. 健康指標與生命統計
birth cohort:在某一時期內誕生的所有人 ... 一般以「年」為單位表示之,因此中文稱為「年齡」。人口 ... 一般生育率(general fertility rate).
#31. 未成年(15-19歲)女性生育率Adolescent birth rate - 性別指標 ...
未成年(15-19歲)女性生育率. Adolescent birth rate. 首頁Home · 北京宣言暨行動綱領BPfA. 圖表. Chart. 原始資料. Data Table. 年分. Year. 請選擇.
#32. 醫療保健、環境衛生、 人口與生命統計。
衛生統計指標(2). – 一般生育率(general fertility rate). – 總生育率(total fertility rate). – 新生兒死亡率(neonatal mortality rate).
#33. fertility rate中文完整相關資訊 - 健康急診室
總生育率(Total Fertility Rate) - 國家發展委員會... 使用瀏覽器提供的(Ctrl+P)功能;如需觀看新聞內容或是申請表單下載,建議您由more頁進入並選取 ...
#34. 低生育率:决定因素综述
然而,目前全球近一半的人口. 生活在一个时期总和生育率(TFR)低于每名妇女生育2.1 个孩子的国家(联合. 国,2019)1。同时,在东亚、南欧的许多国家和 ...
#35. 视点| 张军:中国经济应控制人口风险
特将此文翻译为中文,以飨读者。 ... As Liang said, in 2017, the total fertility rate of 1.58 reflected a fertility rate of 0.67 for one-child ...
#36. Taiwan has lowest birth rate in world: CIA | Taiwan News
In the CIA's latest report on the total fertility rate (TFR), which assesses the average number of children women in a given country are ...
#37. fertility rate - 从英语翻译成中文 - 词典
Data from the 2010 census implies that the total fertility rate may now be around 1.4. The population growth rate is 0.26% per year, the ...
#38. Google 翻譯
Google 的免費翻譯服務提供中文和其他上百種語言的互譯功能,能即時翻譯字詞、詞組和網頁內容。
#39. Taiwan Birth Cohort Study (TBCS) - 衛生福利部國民健康署
To improve child health, understanding its determinants is important not only at individual, but also at family, community and social level. However, the ...
#40. fertility rate - 人口出生率,生育率…《抓鸟》英语词典
fertility rate 的解释是:人口出生率,生育率… 同时,该页为英语学习者提供:fertility rate的中文翻译、英英详解、单词音标、在线发音、例句等。
#41. CIA estimates Taiwan's fertility rate to be world's lowest
Taiwan's total fertility rate, or births per woman, will be the lowest in the world in 2021, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency says in ...
#42. Revisiting the causes of fertility decline in Bangladesh - X-MOL
... poorest countries, has experienced a dramatic decline in fertility since 1985, with a decline in the total fertility rate from 5.5–2.1.
#43. 生育率下降值得慶祝?深慮臺灣人口未來,對症下藥才是出路
... Guardian),中文標題為〈英學者︰生育率下降「值得慶祝」〉的報導,進一步查詢原文,原標題為Falling total fertility rate should be welcomed, ...
#44. Our World in Data
Child and Infant Mortality · The global average fertility rate is 2.5 children per woman. In the last 50 years this ...
#45. Early evidence of missing births from the COVID-19 baby bust
However, the link between pandemic-induced unemployment rate increases and subsequent birth rate reductions is only half the size that would ...
#46. fertility rate - Sesli Sözlük
The number of children born alive each year per 1,000 women of childbearing age (usually defined as women between 15 and 49 years old): (General Fertility ...
#47. 生育更替水平 - MBA智库百科
生育更替水平(replacement level)生育更替水平是指這樣一個生育水平,即同一批婦女生育子女的數量恰好能替代她們本身以及她們的伴侶,當凈人口再生產率為1.00時, ...
#48. Gapminder Tools
... 4000 8000 16k 32k 64k 128k 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Income Life expectancy (years) Size: Population, total, Color: World Regions Data doubts.
#49. Japan's Declining Birth Rate And Why It Matters | 世界经济论坛
#50. S. Korea's childbirths at record low in Nov. - Yonhap News ...
A total of 19,800 babies were born in November, down 1.3 percent ... South Korea's total fertility rate hit a record low of 0.84 in 2020.
#51. 中国出生率再创新低观察人士:恐影响经济及社会发展 - 美国之音
中国最新的统计数据显示,2021年全国出生率降至7.52‰,创下43年以来新低,也是连续5年下降。对此,多位观察人士表示,中国出生率低迷已经是“不可逆”的 ...
#52. CIA公布2021生育率2百多國「台灣沒人想生」成倒數第一
美國中情局(CIA)近日公布全球227個國家與地區的「2021年總和生育率(fertility rate)預測數據」,台灣竟是2021年預測生育率最低國家的冠軍。
#53. Facts & Figures | Michigan Medicine
Entering Medical Students in 2021 ; Applications Received, 10,624 ; Applicants Interviewed, 455 ; Total Class Size, 170 ; Average GPA, 3.78 ; Class Average MCAT ...
#54. COVID-19 vaccines and records |
All Albertans 5+ can get the COVID-19 vaccine. Everyone 18+ can get a booster dose 5 months after second dose. Once vaccinated, find out how to get your ...
#55. US Medical Eligibility Criteria (US MEC) for Contraceptive Use ...
The recommendations in this report are intended to assist health care providers when they counsel women, men, and couples about contraceptive method choice.
#56. Nifty Surged on an Upbeat Economic Survey and Hopes of a ...
The capital to risk-weighted asset ratio of SCBs continued to increase ... Total Fertility Rate (TFR) came down to 2 in 2019-21 from 2.2 in ...
#57. Japan Faces Big Problems. Its Next Leader Offers Few Bold ...
2021年10月28日 — 阅读简体中文版閱讀繁體中文版 ... and low voter turnout, they would face little chance of losing a general election later this year.
#58. Medicaid in Wisconsin
See a complete list of all the Medicaid programs available in Wisconsin. Guide to Health Care. This consumer guide provides information about ...
#59. Development of a suicidal ideation predictive model | NDT
Both suicidal ideation and suicide rates are higher in the elderly ... Results: A total of 6410 elderly Korean aged of > 55 (mean, 71.48; ...
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Read latest breaking news, updates, and headlines. Vancouver Sun offers information on latest national and international events & more.
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AultCare works on your behalf to give you the best value in health plans. We do things differently than ordinary health insurers -- even the big ones -- to ...
#62. Recovering from COVID-19 | healthdirect
The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (the RACGP) has also ... The level of protection you have can also depend on factors like your age and ...
#63. Why Pets Make Us Happy - RTI Radio Taiwan International
As the birth rate drops, some are turning to pets as the “new life companion,” one that will provide the fuzziest cuddles and loyal ...
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Get The Wall Street Journal's Opinion columnists, editorials, op-eds, letters to the editor, and book and arts reviews.
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Ambetter offers affordable health insurance plans through the Health Insurance Marketplace. We provide top-quality health insurance to fit your needs and ...
#66. What happens to a gymnast's body as it ages? | SBS Science
The trials and triumphs of elite sporting don't come without cost ... What happens to the body as the years go by, as they complete puberty, ...
#67. Combee (Pokémon) - Bulbapedia, the community-driven ...
Female Combee evolve into Vespiquen starting at level 21. Male Combee are not known to evolve ... Each Combee's trio of faces has been together since birth.
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For more than a decade before 2016, Ethiopia grew at a rate between 8% and 11% ... but the total fertility rate has declined more slowly and the population ...
#69. Golden visa controversy continues - The Portugal News
For the Portuguese Association of Real Estate Developers and Investors (APPII), this is a non-issue, as the “birth rate drop has nothing to ...
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Seniority level. Director. Employment type. Full-time. Job function. Product Management and Marketing. Industries. IT Services and IT Consulting, ...
#71. Caixin Top Stories of the Month: January 2022
In 2022, the annual growth rate is expected to fall below 6% or even ... a birth rate of 7.52 per 1,000 people, according to data from the ...
#72. Frequently Asked Questions on Air Pollution - Clean Air Blue ...
#73. sp qatar. A FIFA task force has recommended moving the start ...
English 中文 Türkçe عربي. sports & ride-ons . ... Qatar - Fertility rate, total (births per woman) The value for Fertility rate, total (births per woman) in ...
#74. BGH Capital poised for a windfall profit if it bows out of Virtus ...
If BGH bows out of the race for fertility specialist Virtus, it still ... BGH has also entered into a total return swap with UBS to acquire ...
#75. igcse geography paper 2 2016. Hey people of TSR, do any of ...
CIE Geography - Paper 2. birth rate – number of live births per 1000 of the ... Chinese 0547-22 2019 Paper 2 Reading Set 2; 剑桥中学会考中文(外语)真题 ...
#76. PRB
Young Americans face lower life expectancies and higher death rates than their peers in other affluent countries. ... Total Fertility Rate.
#77. Odisha logs 5,901 new COVID-19 cases, positivity dips below ...
6 天前 — The State's recovery rate currently stands at 93.58% while active cases account for 5.71% of total positive cases registered in the State.
#78. 無題
3 Infant Mortality Rate (probability of dying by 20 Download Singapore Math Primary ... 中文 (簡体字) 中文 (繁體字) Deutsch English Español 日本語 한국어 ...
#79. The human costs of China's demographic collapse - Christian ...
Last week, China announced that its birth rate hit a record low in 2021 after five years of decline. In 2021, China's population growth rate ...
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NMN is challenging to manufacture, so the cost of NMN supplements is ... ultimately promoting general health and wellness. transparent labelling for ...
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Softonic is the place to discover the best applications for your device, offering you reviews, news, articles and free downloads. Welcome to your app.
#82. Registrations of EVs in Malaysia on hold as JPJ is unclear ...
I thought they said the birth rate is rising. ... But new EV market ratio is still less than 5% of vehicle registration."
#83. Demographics: What Does “Total Fertility Rate” Mean?
total fertility rate中文 在 Demographics: What Does “Total Fertility Rate” Mean? 的必吃
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